Hello everyone, 
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the popular Ghanaian inspired Coconut rice with the spicy tomato sauce and fried fish. I particularly enjoyed preparing this dish and serving 'Uncle Ato' his portion. 
Coconut rice in Ghana is mostly paired with an omelette and it's the quick, fix dish when one is tired. Enjoy this old school recipe. 

Serves 6

2 cups of Jasmine rice / Long grain rice/ Basmati rice/Brown rice 
1 cup of water / Vegetable stock/ 
Alternatively use 1 cup of Coconut milk and half a cup of coconut juice. 
1 finely diced shallots
4 tablespoons of Coconut oil
Salt to taste
Half a teaspoon of blended green chilli and onions. 
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds

6  medium sized Sea Breams/ Red Snapper or your preferred fish (Gutted, cleaned and divided in two, by your fish monger )
100g of flour
1 teaspoon of freshly milled black pepper
Salt to taste
1 sprig of Rosemary 
700ml Sunflower oil

Tomato sauce
125g of Tomato purée mixed with 150ml of water to a smooth paste. 
700g of fresh sun ripened Tomato cut into chunks 
3 large Red peppers cut into chunks (optional)
20g of roughly chopped peeled Ginger
10 fresh red chillies
10g of crushed Guinean pepper or Grains of Paradise. 
3 large Red Onions
2 large white onions. 
150ml of Groundnut oil
1 Shrimp stock cube
Salt and pepper to taste.

Watch the video on how to make the perfect tomato sauce. 


Add the oil to a saucepan and place on a medium heat. 
Blend the onions, Grains of Paradise, Ginger and chillies into a paste. 
Add the 'Onion blend' to the oil and fry till the volume reduces in half. 
Add the tomato purée and cook till it turns into a paste. This should take about  12-15 minutes. 
Blend the tomatoes and pepper till smooth. 
Add the tomatoes to the saucepan and stir till well mixed. 
Reduce the heat to a low setting, add the shrimp stock and cook for 25 minutes. 
Add the chunks of cut onions and cook for a further 2 minutes. Take your sauce off the heat and use when needed.  

Wash the rice till the water runs clear and soak for about 5 minutes
Whilst the rice is soaking, melt the coconut oil in a saucepan, on a medium heat
Add the shallots and cumin seeds. Fry for 2 minutes till the onions starts to brown (Careful not to burn them)
Drain the water, off the soaked rice 
Add the rice to the oil and fry for 3 minutes. 

To intensify the coconut flavour of the rice, why not try using coconut milk instead of water or stock? 

Add your preferred stock/ water / Coconut milk & juice. 
Stir and increase the heat. 
Once the rice starts to boil, decrease the heat to a low setting. 
Cover with a scrunched baking paper and the lid. 
Cook the rice for 20-28 minutes or until fluffy


Wipe the fish with a kitchen towel to get rid of any excess water. (Crispy skin secret)

Salt the fish and bring to room temperature.

Add the oil to a frying pan or wok

Place the oil on a medium heat for 3-4 minutes. 

Add the sprig of Rosemary and fry till crispy. Set aside for later. 

In a bowl add the flour, black pepper,  your preferred optional herb or spice (Rosemary, thyme, Sage) and mix well. 

Toss the fish in the flour, dust off any excess flour and gently lower the fish into the oil (All necessary precautions should be taken, when dealing with hot oil). Repeat this process until all the fish is fried. 

Don't overload the wok or frying pan with the fish, as this will decrease the temperature of the oil, guaranteeing you a 'soggy fried fish'. 

Fry the fish for 3 minutes on each side and place on a blotting sheet  (to get rid of any excess oil)

Ato Brown (Director, ABNTV)

To serve: 

Best served with a crunchy mixed green salad and a chilled beer. 

All photos and recipe are by the owner of this blog. 

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