Durian Cake Using Airfryer

It is the durian season again in Singapore, and I knew that I just had to make a durian cake. Using fresh durian flesh, the outcome was a super fluffy and yummy durian cake. The lovely durian aroma filled the kitchen while this was baking, and we couldn't help but take extra servings after that - even though it was way past midnight.

Durians - you either hate it or love it. But since you are on this page, I am sure you love it. Here's my durian cake recipe adapted for the airfryer. Enjoy! 

Yield: One 6" square cake

120g butter
100g castor sugar
75gm fresh durian flesh

2 eggs
1/3 teaspoon vanilla extract
70g self raising flour

45g cake/ top flour

*For the durian flesh, get the ripe ones and sweet species. Use the best durian that you can find!

1) Preheat airfryer at 150 degrees for 10 min.

2) Beat butter and sugar together, till they become light and pale.

3) Using the back of a spoon, mash the durian up. Add to the butter and sugar mixture.

4) Add in the eggs, 1 at a time.

5) Add in the vanilla extract.

6) Add in the sifted flour and fold. Do not overmix, only mix until just combined.

7) Pour the batter into a greased baking pan. (I use baking paper for convenience.)
8) Cover with aluminium foil and poke some holes. Using this aluminium cover ensures that the cake does not become overly dry.

9) Bake in the airfryer at 150 degrees for 25 min.

10) Remove the aluminium foil, and continue baking at 150 degrees for 8-10min.

11) Insert a toothpick to check if it is ready. If the toothpick comes out clean, it is ready to be served. Enjoy!

Update (06 Jul 2015)
Sally Teo from Singapore tried out this recipe and the cake turned out very well. In her own words, it was "very nice, texture just nice. I tried because I bought some durian which were not very nice. So, I used it to make cake and surprisingly it was very good".  Great job! I am glad that the durians proved themselves to be useful too.

Btw, I love the nice shape of the baking pan too. It made the cake look spikey like a durian :)
Credits: Sally Teo
Update (07 Jul 2015)
The recipe was really easy and Sally baked another 2 more durian cakes today. Looks so yummy that I can almost smell the durian from her kitchen. 2 consecutive days of durian cakes! I love how perfectly brown the crust is too :)

Credits: Sally Teo

Update (17 Jul 2015)
Here are durian cupcakes by Joni Lian, made from Mao Shan Wang! Don't the fruit toppings make these cupcakes look really yummy? 
*Note: The Hedgehog's Durian Cake recipe makes 8 cupcakes.

Update (02 Aug 2015)
This durian cake was baked by Linda Lim. Her husband loved them so much! Great temperature control here too :)

For more cake recipes using airfryer, click here.

If you have tried this recipe too, share your photos with us!
Instagram: @TheHedgehogKnows

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