A Little Note - Singapore Blog Awards 2015

For this round, this post will deviate from my usual recipe or food review posts.

Anyway, I am really glad that TheHedgehogKnows is a Finalist for the Singapore Blog Awards 2015. And for 2 categories - NewBlog & Topical. How cool is that. 

I am truly honoured and humbled as I only started this blog in Dec 2014. To be honest, I started this page because I wanted to write down the settings and some important tips for some of the airfryer dishes that I have tried. There are very few websites that dedicate themselves to the airfryer and I am really happy to share what I know so that my readers don't need to waste time/resources on experiments.

If you love my airfryer recipes, found them useful or simply just got inspired, please click on this link and cast a vote for TheHedgehogKnows! It will be an affirmation for me that you enjoy what I share. Voting is till 6 Jul 2015. There is a lucky draw for voters and you can vote for me daily too, so good luck!

Till then, continue to look out for my new recipes when I am back in the kitchen next week. My recent London & Europe trip has been such an inspiration and I am excited to try some of these dishes in the airfryer soon :)

Lotsa love,
The Hedgehog XOXOXO

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