Homemade, shortcrust pastry is not as scary as you think, to make. Most people shy away from making their own and settle for a shop bought option. Try practising this easy to follow recipe and be creative by adding different herbs and spices.  Be warned, you might just keep making your own pastry , after trying this recipe. Try the recipe, leave a comment, share with friends and family and don't forget to subscribe. 

Serves 8
Short crust pastry
500g of plain flour
1 tablespoon of baking powder 
2 large, beaten free range or organic eggs. I prefer using duck eggs for my pastry (as it makes for a lighter pastry).
250g of cubed cold butter 
Salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of Thyme (Optional)
Try adding spices or herbs to the mix, for added flavour. 

Sift the flour, black pepper and baking powder into a bowl.
Add the salt, cubed butter and rub between your fingers till you have a breadcrumb consistency.

Alternatively add the flour , pepper, baking powder, salt and butter to a food processor and pulse to a breadcrumb consistency. This should take less than a minute.

Add the beaten eggs to the flour to form a dough. 
Please don't overwork the dough. You want it crumbly, crunchy and moist, when cooked. 

As you'll notice above, the dough is crumbly and not overworked. 

In the name of not overworking the dough, I cover the dough with a cling film . I scoop the contents into the cling film and roll it into a ball. 
Wrap the dough in a cling film and place it in the fridge for about 45min. 

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