Yam Pottage (as called by Nigerians) MPOTOMPOTOM ( as called by most Ghanaians, the Akan name)or Yam porridge (perfect way for me to describe it) is a delicious and quick recipe and one that's synonymous to both Ghanaians and Nigerians. 

The creamy and lightly spiced taste would leave you wanting for another plate. The Yam Pottage gets its bright orange colour from the spiced Palm oil used. Please ensure your Palm oil is sustainably produced and for the best type go for Zomi (which is produced perfectly by the Ewe tribe of Ghana). Zomi is Palm oil infused with secret spices which packs a great flavour. A perfect choice for this dish.

Try using smoked Fish for an authentic flavour. I opted for Prawns instead as I didn't have any smoked fish, however by adding Shrimp powder it gave the dish an intense seafood flavour.
I call it making the most of what you have😜. 

250g of peeled and cubed Yam
500ml of Fish stock
2 tablespoonfuls of Zomi (Spiced Palm oil).
1 large diced Onion
1 chopped green chilli
250g of shelled Prawns (or smoked Fish)
1 teaspoonful of Shrimp powder
20g of finely chopped spring onions (optional)
Salt to taste.


Place the Yam cubes and Fish stock in a saucepan on a medium heat. 
(Cubed Yams cooks quicker, however you can slice them as shown below).
Boil for 10-12 minutes.


In a frying pan, melt the Zomi (don't burn it as you'll loose the beautiful flavour of the Zomi).

Add the diced Onions and fry gently for 2 minutes.
Add the chilli and Shrimp powder and fry for another minute.

Transfer the oil mixture (Zomi, Onions, Shrimp powder and Chilli) to the boiling Yam. 

Add salt to taste. 
Cook for a further 8 minutes 

Add the Prawns and cook for another 2 minutes. 

The Yam at this stage will have a mushy and slightly firm consistency.

Mash the Yam further with a wooden spoon (careful not to mash into a smooth paste). It's best to have some Yam bites as this gives the dish the perfect texture.

 Cover the mixture for a further 2 minutes (the steam will cook the Prawns further). 

Serve warm and sprinkle with chopped Spring Onions (which is optional) and enjoy!

An alternative is the Spinach Yam Pottage which is also available on my blog

All photos and recipe are by the owner of this blog. 

Find more inspiring recipes on my YouTube page 

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