Golf Ball Pineapple Tarts Using Airfryer

Last year's Open-faced Pineapple Tarts Using Airfryer recipe was a major hit among our fans. Some asked how to bake the pineapple golf balls, so we decided to share the alternative version this year. The basic ingredients are the same, except that... well, it's round and the fillings are enclosed inside the pastry.

Since this year 2017 is the Year of the Rooster, we decided to share a more fun version. Scroll all the way down to find out how to make these chicky delights!

Golf Ball Pineapple Tart Recipe
Yield: 28 pieces


Tart crust
140g plain flour
2 tbs corn flour
2 tbs icing sugar
20g custard powder (see photo below)
a pinch of salt
100g butter, cold and unsalted
Custard powder

1 egg yolk, beaten
up to 2 tsp cold water - if required

(C) Egg wash - Optional
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 tsp water

225g pineapple jam, ready-made
1 tsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder - Optional


1. Sieve all the ingredients in (A), except the butter, into a cold mixing bowl.

Tips: I usually use a metallic mixing bowl to keep the bowl cold for a longer time.

2. Add the cold butter and gently rub the butter onto the flour until the texture become like fine breadcrumbs. Take care not to overwork the dough.

Tips #1: This is called the rubbing-in method and a crucial point is to keep the batter cold during the process. As such, do use plastic gloves while rubbing so that less heat from your hands is transferred. Use the tips of your fingers too.
Tips #2: Also, use butter that is cut into small pieces so that you can finish the rubbing process faster while keeping the mixture cold. I like to use the small 10g-packs for convenience.

3. Add the egg yolk and gently knead to form the dough. If more liquid is needed to bind the dough, add a little cold water (bit by bit) until you get the desired texture.

4. Divide the dough into 2 portions. Wrap in 2 cling-wrap batches and chill for at least 30 min till they become firm.

5. Meanwhile, you can now prepare the pineapple jam. Take out the required amount from the ready-made pack. 

6. Add the lemon juice (and cinnamon powder, optional) into the jam. Use 2 forks to loosen the pineapple jam and fibres, at the same time combining the jam, lemon juice and cinnamon powder together.  

Tips #1: When using jam from the ready-made pack, it is crucial to loosen the jam as it is usually very tightly-packed. You don't want to end up having pineapple tarts with hard toppings!
Tips #2: Ready-made pineapple jam can be quite sweet, so the lemon juice gives a nice tangy taste. However, if you don't like the sour undertones, you can replace the lemon juice with warm water.
Left: Before
Right: After (after loosening up the fibres)

7. Roll the pineapple jam into balls of 8g each.

8. Preheat the airfryer at 160 degrees for 3 min. By now, the dough should be firm enough and ready. Roll into balls of 10g each.

9. Roll each ball out flat and wrap the the pineapple jam balls inside. Add a layer of egg wash if you prefer (optional).

10. Bake the pineapple golf balls at 160 degrees for 10 min. If you like it more brown, can continue for another 2 to 3 min.

11. Cool the pineapple tarts well before storing in an airtight container. Enjoy!

Tips: You can store them for up to a week at room temperature, but I would recommend that you put them in the fridge as there are no preservatives. Enjoy!

Year of the Rooster version

If you would like to be fancy and try the Rooster version, you will need:
- Black sesame seeds
- Heart-shaped baking decorations
1. Follow Steps #1 to #9 above.

2. Add sesame seeds as the eyes and heart-shaped baking decorations for the crown (1 piece), beak (1 piece) and feet (2 pieces). Try to press them in well, so that they don't fall off easily later.

3. Bake the pineapple chicks at 160 degrees for 10 min.

11. Cool the pineapple tarts well before storing in an airtight container. Enjoy!
Want to try our other Chinese New Year recipes? Have fun here.
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