The Hedgehog's Awesomely Chocolate Cake Using Airfryer

One of the first airfryer recipe entries we shared was our Chocolate Muffins with Walnuts. Made from premix, it was well-received and easy enough for any beginner cook. Recently, some of you asked for a classic chocolate cake/ muffin recipe - basically, the real thing. 

Inspired by the classic glossy Awfully Chocolate's signature cake, we now bring you The Hedgehog's Awesomely Chocolate Cake Using Airfryer which is sure to give a WOW if you were to bring it to a party because no one will ever reject chocolate. It is soft, moist and best of all, easy-to-do yet looks sophisticated!

This is a simple but multi-layered cake, so let us first dissect the different layers for you:

1. Chocolate Cake
Right at the base is the first layer of chocolate cake. Adapted from a tried and tested recipe, it is fool proof and one of our go-to recipes. We love that this cake is really rich, moist and soft!

2. Chocolate Ganache Layer
Above the chocolate cake is a thin chocolate ganache layer. Of course, you can always be creative and use hazelnut mousse or even ready-made creamy peanut butter if you are in a rush. 
Note: This is the same ganache that we will use to gloss the cake later.

4. Chocolate Cake
Repeat #1.

5. Chocolate Ganache Gloss
Finally, give the cake a professional shiny finish with a generous layer of chocolate ganache!

Hungry already? Stay calm and start baking!

The Hedgehog's Awesomely Chocolate Cake

*Steps #1 & #3: Require Two Chocolate Cakes (Each cake is around 6-cm thick)

Yield: One 6-inch cake

180g sugar
115g cake flour
45g unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

1 egg. beaten
120g milk
55g oil
1 tsp vanilla extract

120ml boiling water
1 sachet of instant coffee powder (without milk and sugar)

1) Preheat airfryer at 160 degrees.

2) Combine ingredients in (A).

3) In another mixing bowl, combine ingredients in (B).

4) Make hot coffee using the ingredients in (C). Add into (B) and combine well.

Tips: Don't worry, it won't make your cake bitter. In fact, coffee and chocolate complement very well with each other!

5) While the wet ingredients are still hot, add into the dry ingredients. Mix well until there are no lumps.

Tips: The batter will look thin and runny at this stage, but don't worry - it's okay. 

6) Pour into two 6-inch cake pans.

Tips #1: I would suggest using a cake pan with removable base, as it is always easier to remove cakes using such pans. 
Tips #2: When using a cake pan with removable base, wrap the base with aluminium foil to prevent a mess later. 

7) Cover the 1st cake pan with aluminium foil. Poke some holes. 

8) Bake in airfryer at 160 degrees for 25 min. Remove the aluminium foil and continue for another 3 to 5 min until the toothpick comes out clean. 

9) Cool the cake in the pan for 20 min. Run a knife around the sides of the pan and carefully remove the cake.

Tips: Please do not skip this step as the cake is very soft and moist. Otherwise, the cake may break apart! :(

10) Repeat Steps #7 to #9 to bake the other cake.

Tips: If you are using an oven, of course you can bake both cakes together. Just adjust the temperature up to 180 degrees!

#2: Chocolate Ganache Layer

Ingredients (for photos, refer to this)
50g heavy cream (at least 38% fat)
50g bakeable chocolate chips
1.5 tbsp honey

Please refer to this recipe (steps #1 to #3).

Finally: Let's Assemble the Cake

1) Prepare the kitchen-top. On a plate, place a sheet of baking paper. Then, place the wired rack right above it.

Tips: This set-up will help the clean-up, because the chocolate ganache will drip all over later!

2) Check if any of your 2 cakes have a dome. If so, slice carefully to achieve a flat top.

3) Place the 1st cake on the wired rack. 

4) Spread a thin layer of chocolate ganache above the cake.

5) Place the 2nd cake above the ganache.

6) Pour some ganache on the top of the cake and let it fall over the sides. Using a flat spatula, even out the ganache around top and sides.

7) Slowly pour the rest of the ganache over and continue spreading until all the sides are covered.

Tips: A round turntable (or even lazy susan) would be really helpful, if you have one!

8) Carefully place the cake on a clean shiny cake board.

9) Decorate with fruits or toasted almonds. Enjoy!

Tips: If using fruits, apply a thin layer of fruit jam beneath the fruits to help them "stick" onto the cake!

Update (May 2016)
Just to inspire you, here's the strawberri-licious almond chocolate cake baked by Wendy Tay using our recipe. Looks really good!

For more cake recipes using airfryer, click here.

If you have tried this recipe too, share your photos with us!
Instagram: @TheHedgehogKnows

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