FRESH FUFU (without pounding)

Over a year ago, I was gifted Cassava and Plantain by my sweet Aunt. My excitement of receiving these African ingredients was short lived, as all I wanted was Fufu.

Fufu and Lamb light soup

You might wonder , why it was a problem and not proceed to boil the Plantain and Cassava, pound them separately and then together to achieve the traditional soft Fufu from Ghana (a traditional Ashanti dish). 

Cassava and Plantain

My dilemma, was I had no pestle or mortar as I reside in the UK, hence the possibility of borrowing the utensils from a neighbour wasn't an option. 

I craved the taste of freshly pounded Fufu and the powdered Fufu mix I had, didn't fit into my crave of 'Fresh Fufu'. 

My inspiration came from the powdered Fufu and Kokonte ( Cassava flour steamed into a dumpling ). 


My understanding and interpretation of my inspiration was rather simple.  If the  Cassava, Cocoyam and Plantain could be processed naturally into flour and mimic the texture of Fufu, it might work if steamed and cooked, like one would Banku.

Un-ripened Plantain and Cassava
I love experimenting with ingredients and I was excited about this prospect.

This recipe was featured on my cookery show 'Ndudu by Fafa' on ABNTV, Sky 235 or Freeview 252. 

Serves 4

300g of  peeled un-ripened Plantain cut into cubes.
460g of peeled  Cassava, scraped, de-stringed and cut into cubes. 
500ml of water for a soft Fufu or 400ml for a firmer Fufu.


It's important, you use a very good blender. I used Vitamix (which blends everything into a silky smooth paste). 

Transfer the Cassava and Plantain into your blender and add 450ml of water. 
Blend into a silky smooth paste. 

Blended Fufu mix

Transfer the contents into a saucepan and place on a medium heat. 

It's very important you stir the mixture consistently, to avoid any lumps. 

Using a wooden spatula, keep stirring till you have a smooth, thick steamed paste. This should take about 8-10min. 

Please don't be tempted to leave it alone when you're in the process of thickening the batter. This is to avoid having lumps in your 'Fufu'. 

Add the remaining 50ml of water to the Fufu, cover the saucepan with it's lid, reduce the heat to a lower setting and steam for 8-10min

Steaming the Fufu, cooks the mixture further and eliminates the raw taste.

Increase the heat to a medium fire and stir the mixture till well combined. 

Please don't be alarmed, if your Fufu looks too soft at this stage,  it gets firmer once it's cooled down. 

Pour the Fufu into a bowl, smear the surface with a teaspoon  of water ( to prevent any film forming on the surface and leave to cool down completely. 

Once cooled, shape into your preferred ball and serve with your favourite soup. 

This recipe works with Cocoyam and Yam. Enjoy fresh Fufu without the hassle of pounding. 

'Ndudu by Fafa', always pushing the boundaries with African cuisines. 

Watch the video on my YouTube page 

Try the recipe, #NopoundingFufu on Instagram to be featured, share the recipe, don't forget to leave a comment and subscribe.

All photos and recipes are by the owner of this blog. 

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