Overnight Oats in Hokkaido Milk, Chia Seeds, Banana, Nuts and Chocolate Chips

If you have Hokkaido milk, oats and chia seeds, what would you do? Overnight Oats in Hokkaido Milk, Chia Seeds, Banana, Nuts and Chocolate Chips was what I came up with! 

To be honest, the husband is quite resistant to oats but I knew that anything with the irresistibly creamy Hokkaido milk would do the trick. With the crazy haze clouding our air recently, it is essential to pump in some good old rolled oats into our bodies. Amongst many health benefits, they are well-known to:
- Be high in dietary fibre;
- Reduce the risk of coronary artery disease; and
- Keep our weight in check by keeping us full for a long time.

Since I was going to create a nutritious breakfast, I decided to throw in some chia seeds too. Small they may be, but don't underestimate their health benefits:
- Super high in antioxidants;
- High in dietary fibre;
- High in Omega-3; and 
- Lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Indeed, the Hokkaido milk (and other fruits and nuts I found at home for that extra sweetness and crunchiness) sealed the trick. The husband finished his portion of overnight oats! To be honest, the Hokkaido milk didn't come cheap at $6.50 for 1L, but I totally agree that it was worth it ;) Nevertheless, if you don't have Hokkaido milk, just use any type of milk for your own overnight oats.

Overnight oats is super easy to make. It can be "mass-produced" for the family and you don't really need to worry about the strict proportions like a cake recipe - because that's the last thing you want to stress yourself out with after a hard day's work. Just make sure that the ratio of oats:milk before refrigerating is 1:1, and let your creative juices flow. Sit the jar of oats overnight and your nutrition-packed breakfast will just need another 5 min before it is ready.

Be inspired by my Hokkaido Milk, Chia Seeds, Banana, Nuts and Chocolate Chips recipe below. Feel free to adapt it by using whatever fruits and nuts you find in your fridge. If the oats still taste a little bland (it shouldn't be!), adding some honey would do the trick. Have fun, good luck and let us know how your overnight oats turn out! 

Overnight Oats in Hokkaido Milk, Chia Seeds, Banana, Nuts and Chocolate Chips
Yield: 3 servings

(A) - For the night before
1 cup rolled oats/ instant oats
1 cup Hokkaido milk (I bought mine from Isetan Scotts)
1 tbs chia seeds (I bought mine from Marketplace supermarket)

(B) - For the next morning
1/2 cup Hokkaido milk
1 ripe banana
a handful of walnuts
a handful of hazelnuts
a handful of chocolate chips

1) Combine the ingredients in (A) in a jar. Refrigerate overnight.

2) The next morning, remove the jar from the fridge.
Side view
Top view
Notice how the oats have absorbed the milk and chia seeds have developed a gelatinous coating around them.

3. Add in the half cup of milk and give it a good mix.
Before mixing
After mixing

4. Add in the remaining ingredients in (B).

5. Give everything a good mix and your breakfast is ready!

If you have tried this recipe too, share your photos with us!
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