Lemon Posset
Serves 4
65ml of Lemon juice and zest of 2 lemons
600ml of double cream
120g of golden caster sugar
1 slices Kaffir lime leaf

Decoration (Optional)
1 teaspoon of icing sugar
1 teaspoon of brandy
Zest of 1 lemon
1 finely sliced Kafir Lime leaf

Add the sugar and milk to a saucepan. 
Place the saucepan on a very low heat. 
Add 1 whole Kaffir lime and half the lemon zest. 
Mix till sugar has melted
This should take about 5-8 minutes.
Use a colander to strain the juice, whilst hot. 
Then add the lemon juice. Use a whisker and stir vigorously as the mixture thickens. 
Pour the mixture into serving glasses and leave it to cool. 
Cover the mixture and fridge it for at least 3 hrs or overnight. 

When you're ready to serve, 
Preheat the oven to 150*c. 
Mix the icing sugar, brandy, remaining lemon zest and kaffir lime leaves together. 
Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 4 minutes. 
Leave it to cool and add a few strands on top of the Lemon posset and serve. 
Be creative and serve with Ginger or short bread biscuits. 

All photos and recipes are by the owner of this blog.

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