Spinach Quiche Using Airfryer

The Good Friday/ Easter long weekend meant that it would be a good time for more food experiments and I decided to do a savory quiche this time - I just had too many cakes and cookies recently. 

To be honest, I was quite skeptical as I heard from friends that making the pastry crust from scratch was tricky. Common woes include soggy crust or under/overbaking. Also, I haven't come across a quiche recipe for the airfryer, so I wasn't sure if that was possible. Nevertheless, I was up for the challenge.

After doing some research (and using some gut feel), I was successful and pretty happy with the end results. Read on for the recipe and some tips. Enjoy! :)

Yield: two 5" pies

80g top flour (use low-protein flour to get nice fluffy crust)
40g cold unsalted butter
1/8 -1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp fine sugar
2 - 3 tsp cold water (start with 2 tsp, and add more if needed)

1. Preheat the airfryer at 160 degrees, 5 min.

2. Sieve the flour, so that air can get in. This keeps the crust nice and fluffy.

3. Place all the ingredients, except the cold water, in a cold mixing bowl. Keep the ingredients in the fridge for 15 minutes.

4. Using the rubbing-in method, combine all the ingredients, except the water, into bread crumb form.

Tip: The key point here is to keep the batter cold.

My nails were manicured and I didn't want any colours to get into the dough (ok that's probably psychological), so I wore plastic gloves instead. Turned out to be a great idea - my hands were clean, and more importantly, less heat could be transferred to the dough mixture.

5. Add in cold water to bind the bread-crumb like mixture together into a big lump. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions, about 60g each. Cover and place the dough in the fridge for about 30 min. You can use this time to prepare the quiche's ingredients.
6. After 30 min, roll out the dough between two non-stick baking sheets into a thin crust slightly larger than the pie pan.

7. With the dough still on the baking sheet, put it at the base of the bowl/ pie pan and shape it properly. Remove the spare dough at the edges so that it looks neater.

Tip: The best material to use is glass, as the heat can be more evenly-distributed.

Pardon my use of this bowl. It's hard finding pie dishes that fit the small air fryer!

8. Poke the base with a fork to create some ventilation holes. Brush with some beaten egg yolk (you will need beaten egg later) to lock the moisutre in and bake in the air fryer at 160 degrees 8 min. Set aside.

Spinach Filling
2 eggs
50g fresh milk
A dash of pepper to taste
1/2 tsp chopped garlic
40g baby spinach leaves (note: this is different from Chinese spinach)
Some mozzarella and cheddar cheese, shredded
(Feel free to add any other fillings you may have in your kitchen - button mushrooms, onions, bell peppers etc are good bets)

1. Mix egg, milk, pepper and garlic. Set aside.

2. Wash and drain spinach leaves. Cut into thin strips. Squeeze out excess juice.

3. Put the mixture from #1 and the spinach into the pie!
4. You are ready to put it into the air fryer. Bake at 170 degrees for 10 min.
Tip: I made a mistake - don't add in the cheese yet or it will be burnt too quickly.

5. When the 10 min is up, sprinkle shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese over the top. Airfry at 160 degrees for 4 min. This should yield a nice golden brown cheesy surface.

6. You are now ready to serve! :)

Just for learning, here is the difference - the left one had the cheese placed earlier first and the right had the cheese added later. The left one was too chao-da for my liking and the spinach was already burnt.

Update (18 April 2015):
A fellow airfryer enthusiast has since tried my recipe and made a salmon quiche. She used smoked salmon from NTUC, Fassler brand. It was so yummy that her girls conquered it right after it was ready - and it was her first try. Lovely!
Let me know if you have tried my recipes too!

Credits: Evelyn Lim from Singapore

If you have tried this recipe too, share your photos with us on Facebook!
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